


(as amended February 25, 1999)


Section 1. This organization shall be officially known as the Greater Clemson Mountain Bikers Club.


Section 1. The purpose of the Greater Clemson Mountain Bikers Club is to promote mountain biking and the proper use and care of trails and the environment. Safe and responsible practices will be coordinated with the Clemson University Forestry Department for the use of Clemson forest land for mountain biking.


Section 1. Membership is open to any biker in the Greater Clemson Area.

Section 2. Eligibility – Any person that is active in fulfilling the Mission Statement of the GCMBC.

Section 3. Application for membership shall be presented to the Secretary in the appropriate manner as designated by the board of directors. Qualified applicants will become members upon payment of the appropriate fee as designated by the Board of Directors.

Section 4. A yearly membership fee will be charged to each member participating in the Club. The amount of this fee will be determined at the Annual meeting of the Board of Directors.

Section 5. Non-payment of dues will automatically terminate the membership of a person in the Greater Clemson Mountain Bikers Club.


Section 1. The management of the Greater Clemson Mountain Bikers Club shall be vested in the Board of Directors.


Section 1. The Board of Directors shall consist of the Chairman, Vice Chairman, and five (5) other Board members. Of these seven (7) board members all must be members of the Greater Clemson Mountain Bikers Club and at least five (5) must be mountain bikers. It is recommended that the four (4) of the other five (5) board members be comprised one each of the following groups: Clemson University Cycling Club, Clemson Faculty and Staff, Greater Clemson Community, and the Clemson Student Body.

Section 2. All members of the Board of Directors shall hold office for one year or until their successors are duly elected and qualified. A quorum at any meeting of the Board of Directors shall consist of four (4) members of the Board. Each of the seven (7) members of the Board of Directors shall have one (1) vote.

Section 3. The Board of Directors may employ whatever personnel they deem necessary and from whichever funds are available, to aid in the management of the Club. Expenses that are not of the normal operating variety (mailing/copying costs, approved committee expenses) must be passed by 2/3 vote of the board of directors.

Section 4. The Board of Directors shall have its annual meeting the same week as the Annual General Membership meeting. The board shall also hold one (1) regular meeting in addition to its annual meeting. Any special meetings may be called by the Chairman or Vice-Chairman, notice of which shall be given to all members of the Board in sufficient time for them to be present.

Section 5. The Board of Directors shall abide by any and all GCMBC By-Laws, rules, and/or regulations.

Section 6. Special classes of membership on the Board of Directors without voting privileges may be authorized and established by the Board on such terms and conditions and with such reasonable rights and privileges as it may establish from time to time.

Section 7. Conference calls by telephone to be confirmed by mail ballots, or mail ballots may be used when impractical to meet otherwise. In addition, a majority of the Directors shall agree that a mail/phone ballot is warranted.


Section 1. The elected officers of Greater Clemson Mountain Bikers Club shall be: Chairman, Vice-Chairman and five (5) other Board of Directors members.

Section 2. To be eligible to run and hold an elected office a candidate must be a paid member of the Greater Clemson Mountain Bikers Club. Since the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman will serve as Contacts with the Clemson University Forestry Department they must also meet the following qualifications:

A. Mandatory Qualifications Candidates must possess:

1. Active in the sport of mountain biking in some capacity

B. Desirable Qualifications – In addition to the mandatory qualifications, the following background factors are to be considered as desirable, and are to serve as guidelines for elections:

1. Ability to travel and attend Clemson Forest Trail Users Meetings

2. Good knowledge of mountain biking and trail use.

3. Good organizational background

4. Good character and personality traits

5. Ability to communicate well

Section 3. The officers stated in Section 1 of Article VI shall be elected by the voting members at the Annual General Membership meeting in February of each year. These officers shall take office at the close of the Annual Board of Directors meeting and serve a one year term or until their successors have been elected and qualified for office.

Section 4. The officers stated in Section 1 of Article VI make up an seven (7) member Board of Directors. If any Board of Directors member should become unable to serve, do to his resignation or failure to attend a scheduled meeting for a reason that is unacceptable to the rest of the Board, the remaining members of the Board of Directors shall elect a successor to fill his/her vacant office for the remainder of the term.

Section 5. Officers may run for re-election.


Section 1. The appointed offices of Greater Clemson Mountain Bikers Club shall be a Secretary, a Treasurer, and a Membership Chairman. These officers are elected by the Board of Directors at its annual meeting.

Section 2. Any of these officers of the Secretary, Treasurer, and Membership chairman may be combined at the pleasure of the Board of Directors.

Section 3. An appointed officer does not have to necessarily be chosen from the current or past board members. An appointed officer shall serve as an ex-officio member of the Board of Directors with all the privileges of any other Board member with the exception that he will not have a vote.

Section 4. An appointed officer shall serve for one year from his appointment by the Board of Directors at the Annual Board meeting.

Section 5. Should any appointed officer become unable to serve, the members of the Board of Directors shall appoint a successor to fill this vacancy for the remainder of the term.


Section 1. The Annual General Membership meeting shall be held once a year in the month of February. Notification of this meeting time and place shall be mailed to each paid member post marked no later than ten (10) days prior to the meeting, and shall be posted in at least three local stores. (such as Sunshine Bicycle or Outdoor adventures).

Section 2. Any regular General Membership meetings called by the Chairman or the Vice-chairman will be held in conjunction with Greater Clemson Mountain Bikers Club events (with the exception of the Annual General Membership meeting).

Section 3. At least one fifth (1/5) or 20% of the voting members (those with paid up dues to Greater Clemson Mountain Bikers Club) must be present at any General Membership meeting to constitute a quorum.

Section 4. Every Greater Clemson Mountain Bikers Club member shall have one (1) vote. . In Board elections each member may only vote for one and only one person for each available position.

Section 5. The order of business at all general membership meetings shall be as follows:

1. Call to order of the meeting by the Chairman or the Vice-Chairman in the absence of the Chairman.

1a. Establishment of a quorum

1b. Verify members in attendance, current membership

2. Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting.

3. Treasurer’s report

4. Committee reports

5. Old business

6. New business

7. Elections

a. Chairman

b. Vice-Chairman

c. Five (5) Members of the Board of Directors

8. Announcements

a. New Board and Old Board must meet at the designated time following the Annual General Membership meeting. (Not to exceed 1week)

9. Adjournment


Section 1. The fiscal year of Greater Clemson Mountain Bikers Club shall run from January 1 to December 31 of the same year. All dues for Greater Clemson Mountain Bikers Club must be paid before a member is allowed to participate in any Greater Clemson Mountain Bikers Club function for that fiscal year. A notice from the Board of Directors will be mailed to each current member or any other interested person as to how to pay the dues.


Section 1. The dues shall be set by the Board of Directors for member at the Annual meeting of the Board.

ARTICLE XI – Greater Clemson Mountain Bikers Club

Section 1. The Board of Directors shall provide each member a list of any and all regulations, requirements, etc. that such a member would need to know concerning any and all Greater Clemson Mountain Bikers Club events in order to participate in said events. The Board of Directors shall call this the Greater Clemson Mountain Bikers Club Trail Use Rules. The Greater Clemson Mountain Bikers Club Trail Use Rules can only be revised at the Board of Directors Annual meeting by a majority vote and must be sent to each member. All Greater Clemson Mountain Bikers Club Trail Use rules must not conflict with any Clemson University rules, regulations, or policies; or Local, State, and Federal Laws.


Section 1. A two- thirds (2/3) vote of those Board of Directors present is required to approve a record.


Any member of Greater Clemson Mountain Bikers Club may file a written grievance with the Chairman alleging a violation of the Greater Clemson Mountain Bikers Club By-Laws or rules, policies and procedures. Judgement decisions may not be appealed. The decision of the Board shall be final.


Section 1. These By-Laws may be amended only at the Annual General Membership meeting by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the general membership present.

Section 2. The rules contained in the current edition of the Roberts Rules of Order (newly revised) shall govern the Greater Clemson Mountain Bikers Club in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these By-Laws.